Bruce Carleton, mandarin, points the way.
Throw a bit of bat into the blender!
Manado is an area populated mainly by Christians. In Muslim Indonesia that sets them apart, nutritionally speaking. Primarily that means they get to eat pig (for an overview of haram foods click here), but it also opens up a wide range of other possible choices. The Manado food joint next door to the school I worked for in Jakarta had excellent food, but usually offered only the same three or four dishes. So one day when I saw a new item, bat stew, being offered, I went for it. This was, admittedly, a mistake. As usual, the rich, spicy flavor of the broth was tasty, but that was countered by the little bits of leathery wing parts that kept popping up. When one of them had a tiny hand on it, I had to discontinue this particular culinary adventure.
Try some lizard,

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eccentric chef



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