Acting as a cue for hormone activity,

Raises the hormone level by providing aggressive potency,

In a situation with no stressful threat to it,

The situation of sexual fantsy.

They're already quivering

With little pent-up lusts

When they walk in the door.

Just like I was alone,

And nobody was with me.

I collapsed into a hot barrel of pain,



Painful pain.

She is,

In a sense,

Overcompensating in her subconcious attempt

To prove to herself

That she is not what she perhaps believes to be

A pervert.

I heard a sound that sent a chill,

Penetrating as a white-hot arrow,

Through me.

All right,

What makes it go is the human cock,

the human male cock.

A completely innocent face,

With a voluptuous figure

On her slender body.

Adapted from a Cavalier Magazine compendium of (uncredited) choice bits from otherwise rejected manuscripts.

"c" in circle in glasses on face All material on this Website is copyright Bruce Carleton. You may not repost, reprint, or otherwise republish, retransmit or reproduce any material on any of the pages of this Website without express permission of Bruce Carleton. All rights reserved.